Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies

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LMU Munich

Students completing the East European Studies degree program at the LMU Munich choose one major subject and one secondary subject. In total, the modular Elite Graduate Program requires 120 credit points which students must obtain over the course of 4 semesters (standard study time). At the end of the program, students are required to submit a final dissertation and complete an oral examination. Graduates of the course are awarded a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree. They are then entitled to embark on a doctoral program.


The curriculum is divided into modules. Each module, which extends over a maximum of two consecutive semesters, consists of at least two interrelated courses. Students are required to complete (at least) two modules in their major subject, (at least) two modules in their secondary subject and one interdisciplinary project module. In addition, students select as many electives from the programs offered as they need to achieve 30 ECTS in their major field of study and 20 ECTS in their secondary subject.

As part of the course, students are required to attend an international summer school organized by the degree program. Further mandatory requirements for the degree program include the acquisition of language skills in one or more East European languages (also for students whose mother tongue is an East European language) and an internship in Eastern Europe (or with a connection to Eastern Europe) lasting for at least one month. In order to graduate, students must complete a Master’s thesis (60-80 pages) and sit an oral examination (60 minutes) on their major field of study.

120 ECTS credits

  • Major subject: 30 (two modules plus electives)
  • Secondary subject: 20 (two modules plus electives)
  • Project module: 10
  • Language courses: 16
  • Summer school: 8
  • Internship: 6
  • Master's / Master thesis: 24
  • Oral examination: 6

Certificates / documents

On graduation, students will be awarded a Master’s certificate (also available in English from Munich University), a certificate (also available in English from Munich University), an English diploma supplement with transcript of records and a certificate from the Elite Network of Bavaria.


Students completing the East European Studies degree program choose a major subject, plus a secondary subject.

Detailed descriptions of the subjects offered can be found on the German website.

Major Subjects

Secondary subjects
